About Trinity Risk Solutions
Welcome to Trinity Risk Solutions, a Reciprocal Risk Retention Group 100% owned by its members. Incepted in 2004 to exclusively serve Non-Profit senior care facilities, TRS RRG is dedicated to delivering difference-making services, resources and protection to our members.
Our mission: To provide a permanent Risk Management and Liability Insurance solution.
"Hard markets come and go. In the last few years of the most recent hard market, my organization was treated with such disrespect and conceit by the insurance carriers that I vowed to never face that again. It is notable that we were not a bad risk. We were catalysts in the formation of TRS, and it is one of the best moves we ever made. We have a strong and respected insurance program. When the hard market returns, we will be insulated from the storm."
- William Lowe, CEO Chicagoland Methodist Senior Services
"We love her (Dorrie) to death. We don’t move without her. I don’t know what we’d do without her."
- Debbie Harvat, Director of Nursing, Tabor Hills
"Method Management has been a marvelous resource and a tremendous help to me. Her (Dorrie Seyfried’s) response to my requests are timely, via email or phone."
- Ellen Schieber, Director of Nursing, Apostolic Christian Restmor
"My experiences have been phenomenal. Assistance with challenging situations, supportive and helpful through everything. Nothing but good things to say"
- Krista Forsythe, Director of Nursing, Snyder Village
This electronic information is published by Trinity Risk Solutions Reciprocal Insurance Company, a Risk Retention Group, for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a solicitation or sale of insurance to any person not eligible for membership or in states where the risk retention group has not filed its registration as required by the federal Liability Risk Retention Act of 1986 (LRRA). Risk retention groups operate under the federal Liability Risk Retention Act of 1986 and provide insurance for the common liability risk exposure of eligible group members. Different state laws may apply.
Policies issued by a risk retention group may not be subject to all of the insurance laws and regulations of your state. State insurance insolvency guaranty funds are not available for risk retention groups. This electronic information is intended solely to provide general information and is not intended to constitute legal advice. If legal advice is desired or needed, an attorney should be consulted.
Trinity Risk Solutions was recently featured in an article from Business Insurance featuring Risk Retention Groups. Click here to view the article online.
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